Jill the Acadian/Jill l'Acadienne

La vie à travers les yeux d'une Acadienne et les aspects culturels de celle-ci. Si vous voulez partager quelque chose(concert ou un endroit visité), laissez un commentaire/The life of an Acadien woman, and her cultural aspect. If you want to share something about your cultural life(show or a good place visited), leave a comment.


lundi, janvier 28, 2008

Monday poetry train - untittle

So I was looking at something while writing this one. Can you guess what?

Je suis là/Here I am
À te regarder/Watching you
Vestige d'un rêve passé/Relic of a past dream
Comme si jamais je n'avais existé/Like if I never existed
Et mon voisin/ And my neighbor
Qui a été la célébration / That was the celebration
De cette naissance/ Of that birth
Si longtemps attendue / that was for so long expected
Mais voilà que maintenant/ But here that now
Nous séchons/ We are drying
Comme si jamais nous avions/ Like if we never have
Donner une nouvelle vie/ Give a new life
À cette pièce / To that room
Qui était comme morte/ That was like dead
Maintenant nous séchons / Now we are drying
À jamais oublié/ Forever forgotten
Car nous n'avons/Because we din't have
Aucune utilité/ Any use

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lundi, janvier 21, 2008

Monday Poetry Train - La mer

This I wrote thinking about a time that we saw one of the contestan of Star Académie on the beach near her place. We were wondering if it was her. But since she has been away from her place for so long, when we figure out it was actually her, we prefer to let her have this peace moement!
Elle regarde la mer/ She is looking at the sea
Admire sa douceur/Admiring its beauty
Laisse entrer son calme/ Letting its calmness enter
Dans chaque pore de son corps/In each pore of her body
Cette mer qui lui a manqué/That sea she has been missing
Ces douces vagues/ Those soft waves
Qui berçaient la tumulte/ That rock the commmotion
Des derniers mois/Of the last months
Son rêve/ Her dream
Lui a couté/ Have cost her
Le doux bercement du vent/ The sweet rocking of the wind
Dans ces cheveux dorés/ In her golden hair
Et nous/ And us
Nous n'osons la déranger/ We don't dare to disturb her
Dans cet instant d'intimité/In that intimity moment
Avec cet amour/ With this love
Que la majorité des Acadiens connaisse/ That most Acadians know
La mer/ The sea
Qui nous coule dans les veines/ That flow in our veins

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mardi, janvier 08, 2008

Titillate your Taste-buds Tuesday

This is another recipe from sparkrecipes.com .
When I've tried this this week, it taste almost like an apple pie...
Apple rice
2 apples
2 cups of apple juice
2 cups if fast cooking white rice(I've use Minute Rice)
2 tbsp of butter or margarine

Dice your apple in little square
Put them in a dipper with the apple juice
Bring it to the boiling point
Add the rice
Cover and stop the heat(or keep it very low)
When ready, fluff with the butter.
Makes 8 servings

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lundi, janvier 07, 2008

Monday poetry train - Fighter

Why is it so hard /Pourquoi est-ce si dur
For you men /Pour vous les hommes
To admit /D'admettre
That as little as I am /Que peu importe comment petite suis-je
As lady like that I might be /Peu importe comment dame je suis
That I still kick as hard as any of you /Que je peux frapper aussi fort que vous
How can you not be men enough /Pourquoi ne pouvez-vous pas être suffisament homme
To admit that I hurt you /Pour admettre que je peux vous faire mal
When I don't have a problem /Quand j'ai aucun problème
Doing it when it is you /À le faire lorsque vous le faites
That I might be fearless /Que je peux être sans peur
And look you straight in the eyes /Et regarder droit dans vos yeux
That my feminity /Que ma féminité
Doesn't make me less of a warior/Ne fait pas de moi un guerrier moins puissant

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