Jill the Acadian/Jill l'Acadienne

La vie à travers les yeux d'une Acadienne et les aspects culturels de celle-ci. Si vous voulez partager quelque chose(concert ou un endroit visité), laissez un commentaire/The life of an Acadien woman, and her cultural aspect. If you want to share something about your cultural life(show or a good place visited), leave a comment.


mardi, janvier 08, 2008

Titillate your Taste-buds Tuesday

This is another recipe from sparkrecipes.com .
When I've tried this this week, it taste almost like an apple pie...
Apple rice
2 apples
2 cups of apple juice
2 cups if fast cooking white rice(I've use Minute Rice)
2 tbsp of butter or margarine

Dice your apple in little square
Put them in a dipper with the apple juice
Bring it to the boiling point
Add the rice
Cover and stop the heat(or keep it very low)
When ready, fluff with the butter.
Makes 8 servings

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