Jill the Acadian/Jill l'Acadienne

La vie à travers les yeux d'une Acadienne et les aspects culturels de celle-ci. Si vous voulez partager quelque chose(concert ou un endroit visité), laissez un commentaire/The life of an Acadien woman, and her cultural aspect. If you want to share something about your cultural life(show or a good place visited), leave a comment.


lundi, décembre 03, 2007

Monday poetry train - L'amour

This is something I found this week while going some through old stuff. I probably wrote that during university. I was pretty sure at was bored at that moment, either in class or doing some homework! And seems like I was mad against a guy...

Qu'est-ce que c'est?/ What is it?
Un sentiment?/A feeling?
Un outil de torture?/A torture weapon?
Ou la plus belle chose au monde?/Or the greatest thing on earth?
Le saurons-nous jamais?/Should we ever know?

Pour l'instant, nous sommes si proche de l'extase/For this very instant, we are so close from ecstasy
L'instant d'après, nous tombons au fond du gouffre/ The moment after, we fall at the bottom of the abyss
Un touché peut nous faire hérisser les poils/ A touch can make our hair rise
Ou une caresse, autre chose/ Or a caress, something else

La recheche de l'orgasme/ The search for orgasm
Nous force à faire semblant/ Force us to fake
Serais-ce qu'une comédie/ Would this be a comedy
Pour ne pas déplaire à l'autre?/ To pleasure the other?

Que de nuits ai-je passées/ How many night did I pass
À penser à ce mot/Thinking about this word
À m'imaginer/ Imagining myself
Dans les bras de mon doux amants/In the soft arm of my lover

Mais le matin/But in the morning
Quand les doux rayons du soleil/When the sun soft rays
Frappent ma fenêtre/ Knock on my window
Je réalise/ I realise
Que ceci n'est pas réalité/ That this is not reality
Que c'est un échellon que je dois atteindre/ This is a rung I have to reach

Je dois réveiller ce qui se trouve derrière ses yeux doux/ I have to wake up what is hidding behind his soft eyes
Libérer cette tension, qui est à doubles tranchants/ Unleash this tension, that is at double cutting edge
Pour vivre comme je l'entends/ So I can live as I want

Libellés : , , ,


  • At 7:03 p.m., Blogger Julia Phillips Smith said…

    'Je réalise/ I realise
    Que ceci n'est pas réalité/ That this is not reality
    Que c'est un échellon que je dois atteindre/ This is a rung I have to reach

    Je dois réveiller ce qui se trouve derrière ses yeux doux/ I have to wake up what is hidding behind his soft eyes
    Libérer cette tension, qui est à doubles tranchants/ Unleash this tension, that is at double cutting edge
    Pour vivre comme je l'entends/ So I can live as I want'

    Love the ending of your poem, Jill. You write about the emotions between lovers so well. It's always in a way I've never encountered before, yet I immediately relate to the words.

  • At 12:42 a.m., Blogger Ann said…

    Lovely poem, I loved the ending as well.

  • At 1:00 a.m., Blogger Missy Frye said…

    Mais le matin/But in the morning
    Quand les doux rayons du soleil/When the sun soft rays
    Frappent ma fenêtre/ Knock on my window
    Je réalise/ I realise
    Que ceci n'est pas réalité/ That this is not reality

    Truer words have never been spoken. I love the imagery and can almost see a ray of sunlight tapping on the window.

    Incurable Disease of Writing

  • At 4:41 a.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    OLd? It has that universal appeal!


  • At 10:18 a.m., Blogger Tempest Knight said…

    It's very lyrical. I can almost hear it in a song.

  • At 12:17 p.m., Blogger Susan Helene Gottfried said…

    The beginning is what hooked me the hardest, babe. Not that the ending isn't great -- it is! But those questions are ones I've so often wondered about, even now that I'm an old, boring married woman.

  • At 11:11 p.m., Blogger Jill said…

    Julia, are you saying that I'm unique??:D I always try to write the feeling of the moment, without thinking.

    Ann, if only I could remember what push me to write it!

    Hoyeya, I've try to write by saying things in the way I feel, I guess this one really spoke that!

    Gautami, I meant it was written before I open this blog. It is from my university years.

    Tempest, I didn't picture it at all as a song... Interesting!!

    Susan, I tend to post myself a ton of question!! And you are not old and boring!! I wouldn't visit your blog if you were!!

  • At 11:28 p.m., Blogger Rhian said…

    Lovely as always.

  • At 9:29 p.m., Blogger Roscoe James said…

    I see why you haven't rescued me yet. Nice poem. I like the French version best-ussss.

  • At 9:49 p.m., Blogger Jill said…

    Thank Rhian, it was a good surprise to find it for me!

    RJ, it is maybe because I want...
    Because it is a old poem, I didn't write it this week, it's like two years old.

  • At 10:11 p.m., Blogger Ann said…

    It's Tuesay and I've posted my recipe (Crock Pot Beef Stew). Hope you're having a good day. :)


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