Jill the Acadian/Jill l'Acadienne

La vie à travers les yeux d'une Acadienne et les aspects culturels de celle-ci. Si vous voulez partager quelque chose(concert ou un endroit visité), laissez un commentaire/The life of an Acadien woman, and her cultural aspect. If you want to share something about your cultural life(show or a good place visited), leave a comment.


lundi, septembre 10, 2007

Monday poetry train - Vergetures

Vous racontez toutes une aventure
Celle de moi
Devenant une femme
Celles de mes hanches
Disent que mon corps
Est prêt à accepter la vie
Celles de mes seins
Disent à combien
Comment j'ai profité
Toutes ne font que souligner
La rondeur de mon corps
Les courbes qui y sillonnent
Pour toi, mon amant
Des coins de repères
Pour guider tes doigts
Le long de mon corps
À savoir si à les toucher
Tu sauras me faire frisonner

You are saying a wonderfull tale
My tale
Of becoming a woman
Those of my hips
Are saying that my body
Is ready to accept life
Those of my breast
Say how much
Did I grow
All are only emphasize
The roundness of my body
The curves that are furrowing
For you, my lover
They are markers
To help guide your fingers
Across my body
To know if by touching them
You would be able to make me shiver

Libellés : ,


  • At 11:53 p.m., Blogger Julia Phillips Smith said…

    Ooo! Shivery is right. This is very sensuous. I especially love:
    "The curves that are furrowing
    For you, my lover
    They are markers
    To help guide your fingers"

  • At 12:49 a.m., Blogger Lisa Andel said…

    Gotta say I never thought of stretchmarks in this light before. Nice work Jill.

  • At 8:15 a.m., Blogger Rhian said…

    outstanding Jill!
    loved this:
    "For you, my lover / They are markers / To help guide your fingers / Across my body"

    brilliant method of taking something we ALL are self conscious about and turning it around to reflect beauty.

  • At 8:17 a.m., Blogger The Rainmaker said…

    What language was that? Seems cool?

  • At 8:26 a.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Thanks for making think of my strechmarks in a good way. These are our war wounds and we should be proud of them. Nice work!

  • At 9:51 a.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    This poem is so sensually alive.
    What a way to see stretchmarks!

  • At 11:15 a.m., Blogger Amy Ruttan said…

    Oooh I can total relate that. The stretch marks on my belly remind me of my children. How much strain I was put under to have them, how much I love them.

    Great job. My poem is up now too.


  • At 11:20 a.m., Blogger Anne D said…

    I'm with Julia and Rhian, like the markers to guide my lover imagery!

  • At 12:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Very sexy jill!
    You are indeed wise and mature beyond your years.

  • At 5:05 p.m., Blogger Jill said…

    Julia, Thanks!! Hope you take advantage of that remark now!!

    Lisa, it took me a long time to make peace with them, but I know take it like if they were not there, I wouldn't have the body I have now!!

    Rhian, my mission is accomplish!!

    Daniel, it was french, but there is an english version underneath.

    Nancy, why shouldn't we be proud about our war wound like guys do??

    Gautami, we better take it sensually than crying about them!!

    Amy, cannot wait to have those strech mark!! A constant reminder of your children!!

    Thanks, Anne. How many time a lover has touch them without even noticing it??

    Rhet, I might be wise, but mature... don't think so!! I'm just confortable with my body!!

  • At 6:55 p.m., Blogger Susan Helene Gottfried said…

    OMG, Jill, this is amazing! What a great way to own your body!

    and... can you send some of that self-confidence my way, please?

  • At 7:54 p.m., Blogger veinglory said…

    I love it--what a wonderful perspective!

  • At 8:07 p.m., Blogger T.A.Chase said…

    That's a great poem, Jill. Making stretchmarks sexy. very unique.

  • At 11:23 p.m., Blogger The Rainmaker said…

    French. Yeah..thanks. I thought it was German or something. Love the poem though....the English version of course.

  • At 2:59 a.m., Blogger Danika Dinsmore said…

    Ode to stretchmarks! Yay!

  • At 10:00 a.m., Blogger Ann said…

    Wonderful poem, very sensual.

  • At 10:38 a.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    "Daniel" aka "Igor"
    You confuse French with German?
    Tell me, can you tie your own shoe laces?


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