Jill the Acadian/Jill l'Acadienne

La vie à travers les yeux d'une Acadienne et les aspects culturels de celle-ci. Si vous voulez partager quelque chose(concert ou un endroit visité), laissez un commentaire/The life of an Acadien woman, and her cultural aspect. If you want to share something about your cultural life(show or a good place visited), leave a comment.


lundi, août 20, 2007

Monday poetry train - Gouttelettes/Droplets

Je sens cette chaleur m'envahir
Cette vague de plaisir me parcourir
Au touché de ces milles gouttelettes
Qui coulent entre mes reins
Me lavent de toutes impuretés
Sauf celles de mes idées
Suivent mes tendres courbes
Qui ne cachent que mieux ma force
Dans cette endroit ou je sens
Tout le pouvoir de ma séduction
Ou je suis à nue
Ou mes seins s'offrent à ton action bienfaitrice
Voila une gouttelette qui s'aventure
Ou se croise
Les deux teintes de ma peau
Car nul partie de ma peau
N'a été oublié par ta douce caresse
Jusqu'à la prochaine
Je m'en vais
Me cachant dans ce nuage de vapeur

I feel the warmness invading me
That pleasure waves traveling in me
To the touch of this thousand droplet
That flow in my back
Washing away all impurities
Except those of my thought
Folowing the tenderness of my curves
Who only hide better my strenght
In this place where I can feel
All the power of my seduction
Where I'm naked
Where my breast are offering themself to your kind action
Here is a droplet that adventure itself
Where is the crossing
Of the two shades of my skin
Because no part of my skin
Has been forgotten by your sweet carress
Until next time
I'm going
Hidding in this cloud of steam

Libellés : ,


  • At 4:07 p.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Where my breast are offering themself to your kind action

    I like this line.

  • At 5:44 p.m., Blogger Jill said…

    You are still fantasing??

  • At 11:12 p.m., Blogger Julia Phillips Smith said…

    First of all, can I say that giving us poems in two languages is really appreciated by all of us anglos. It's quite a challenge to write in one language - to translate your work, do you just go for it, or do you try to make the English version retain the same tone as the French one?

    In Droplets, I love these lines best:
    "Washing away all impurities
    Except those of my thought
    Folowing the tenderness of my curves
    Who only hide better my strength"

  • At 12:29 a.m., Blogger Jill said…

    Julia, I try to retain the same tone in the two versions!! Sometime that mean having my french/english dictonnary in reach, but I like the challenge and the fact that I'm praticing my english writting!!But your comments make it all worth it!!

  • At 9:57 a.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Jill - I am not always a flirtatious buffoon. I do sometimes speak from the heart.
    This is a great poem and the imagery of that line seared itself into my soul.

  • At 10:54 a.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    I admire your ability to write it one language and translating it into English. Not an easy task.

    I like the sensual nature of the poem. It touched my heart.

  • At 11:07 a.m., Blogger Joy Renee said…


    ah, yes, seduction by the kind actions of a hot shower. it's giving me the vapors just thinking about it.

    i so wish i could read the French version. i can tell by scanning it that it flows like a melody

  • At 2:14 p.m., Blogger Y said…

    wow, i wish i could read french, don't remember a drop from high school. i liked this line
    "Because no part of my skin
    Has been forgotten by your sweet carress"

  • At 3:15 p.m., Blogger Sparky Duck said…

    very nice, especially since reading it i almost feel like a shower may make us dirtier as opposed to fully clean

  • At 6:42 p.m., Blogger Susan Helene Gottfried said…

    Wow, Jill! I didn't know you did the steamy stuff -- I like it!!

  • At 6:54 p.m., Blogger Jill said…

    Rhet, I didn't know that I could touch soul!!

    Gautami, I like the sensual part of it!!

    Joy, it just came through a flash, I just cannot explain!!

    Y, we always forget to feel the carress of water, so I'm proud you like that line!

    Sparky, it's not the shower itself, it is what we may think in it!!

    Susan, I didn't knew it myself!!

  • At 10:16 p.m., Blogger Ann said…

    Awesome poem. I tried to follow the French first, but oddly enough my college French classes didn't cover the vocabulary of seduction. :)

  • At 11:12 p.m., Blogger Rhian said…

    Wahoo! i can post! i've been back and forth a dozen times trying to leave a comment. okay - not quite a dozen. but close.
    VERY sensual poem Jill. Very gorgeous. Like Jill i absolutely loved these lines:
    "Washing away all impurities
    Except those of my thought
    Folowing the tenderness of my curves
    Who only hide better my strength"

  • At 5:42 p.m., Blogger Jill said…

    Ann the vocabulary of seduction is always hard to translate!!

    Thank Rhian! I like that I took something of a routine in this sensual thing!


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