Monday poetry train - Étoile/Star
Ce soir, sous mes yeux/Tonight, under my eyes
Se trouve la voute étoilée/ Is the starry vault
Le ciel d'une telle clarté/ This sky so bright
Ces milles diamants/Of this thousand diamonds
Attachés au firmament/ Attached to the firmament
Qui peuvent/That could
À chaque instant /At each moment
Venir caresser/ And come carress
Nos rêves/ Our dreams
Mais pourquoi/ But why
Certains s'acharnent/ Some try desperately
À payer des millions/ To pay millions
Pour avoir/ To have
Ce que je vis / What I lived
En ce moment/ in this very moment
Mais rien n'égalera/ But nothing can egual
La douceur/ The softness
De cette nuit étoilée/ Of this starry night
Se trouve la voute étoilée/ Is the starry vault
Le ciel d'une telle clarté/ This sky so bright
Ces milles diamants/Of this thousand diamonds
Attachés au firmament/ Attached to the firmament
Qui peuvent/That could
À chaque instant /At each moment
Venir caresser/ And come carress
Nos rêves/ Our dreams
Mais pourquoi/ But why
Certains s'acharnent/ Some try desperately
À payer des millions/ To pay millions
Pour avoir/ To have
Ce que je vis / What I lived
En ce moment/ in this very moment
Mais rien n'égalera/ But nothing can egual
La douceur/ The softness
De cette nuit étoilée/ Of this starry night
Libellés : Monday Poetry Train, poem, poème
At 11:40 a.m.,
Susan Helene Gottfried said…
Some try desperately
to pay millions...
They don't get it, do they???
Another nice one, Jill!
At 12:55 p.m.,
Lisa Andel said…
This one makes me feel good. Thanks for sharing it with us Jill.
At 12:56 p.m.,
Anonyme said…
I loved it for its feel goo factor!
At 1:07 p.m.,
Ann said…
Beautiful poem, lovely images.
At 4:54 p.m.,
Rhian said…
nice Jill. i liked these lines especially:
"Qui peuvent/That could
À chaque instant /At each moment
Venir caresser/ And come carress
Nos rêves/ Our dreams"
At 5:14 p.m.,
thimscool said…
Hither come I.
Elegant poem.
At 6:45 p.m.,
Anna J. Evans said…
Me too! Lovely images and I felt smiley when I finished.
Good one Jill,
Anna J. Evans
At 7:12 p.m.,
Jill said…
Susan, no they don't!! Why can they enjoye the simple things in life??
Lisa, it's only payback!!! For once it is me that is making your day!!
Gautami, I didn't even realise it had one when I wrote it!!
Ann, hope you will stop and look at the sky tonite!!
Rhian, you know that I'm nice!! Seriously, thank!!
Thimscool, What?? Hither??
Anna, youppi I put a smile on your face!!
I didn't even realise that it was a feel good poem when I wrote it!! Now you all making me smile!!Thank to all!!
At 11:01 p.m.,
Julia Phillips Smith said…
'Certains s'acharnent/ Some try desperately
À payer des millions/ To pay millions
Pour avoir/ To have
Ce que je vis / What I lived
En ce moment/ in this very moment'
My favorite lines! This is where the poem turns into the feel-good poem.
At 8:59 p.m.,
Joy Renee said…
ooh, this brings back childhood for me. it's been that long since i've seen a night sky that swarmed with 'diamonds'. my night blindness began in my teens. i can still see the moon. and some of the brightest of the bright stars/planets if city lights are not too overpowering and if i stare at the blackness for ten to fifteen minutes. but i can literally count the stars i'm able to see and i know that is not reflective of reality.
but oooh, i remember the thrill of laying flat on my back on soft grass and staring up into that swarm of lights. i knew nothing of jewels then. i didn't see them as object that could fall into my hands but rather as places to go. the lit windows of heaven's mansions or the eyes of angels.
yes i was very small
thank you for eliciting that mood and memory for me.
At 11:13 a.m.,
Anonyme said…
Some try desperately to pay millions...
I paid $1.75 at the corner store.
Made in China it was.
Great imagery Jill - as usual!
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