Jill the Acadian/Jill l'Acadienne

La vie à travers les yeux d'une Acadienne et les aspects culturels de celle-ci. Si vous voulez partager quelque chose(concert ou un endroit visité), laissez un commentaire/The life of an Acadien woman, and her cultural aspect. If you want to share something about your cultural life(show or a good place visited), leave a comment.


lundi, octobre 08, 2007

Monday poetry train - Étoile/Star

Ce soir, sous mes yeux/Tonight, under my eyes
Se trouve la voute étoilée/ Is the starry vault
Le ciel d'une telle clarté/ This sky so bright
Ces milles diamants/Of this thousand diamonds
Attachés au firmament/ Attached to the firmament
Qui peuvent/That could
À chaque instant /At each moment
Venir caresser/ And come carress
Nos rêves/ Our dreams
Mais pourquoi/ But why
Certains s'acharnent/ Some try desperately
À payer des millions/ To pay millions
Pour avoir/ To have
Ce que je vis / What I lived
En ce moment/ in this very moment
Mais rien n'égalera/ But nothing can egual
La douceur/ The softness
De cette nuit étoilée/ Of this starry night

Libellés : , ,


  • At 11:40 a.m., Blogger Susan Helene Gottfried said…

    Some try desperately
    to pay millions...

    They don't get it, do they???

    Another nice one, Jill!

  • At 12:55 p.m., Blogger Lisa Andel said…

    This one makes me feel good. Thanks for sharing it with us Jill.

  • At 12:56 p.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    I loved it for its feel goo factor!

  • At 1:07 p.m., Blogger Ann said…

    Beautiful poem, lovely images.

  • At 4:54 p.m., Blogger Rhian said…

    nice Jill. i liked these lines especially:
    "Qui peuvent/That could
    À chaque instant /At each moment
    Venir caresser/ And come carress
    Nos rêves/ Our dreams"

  • At 5:14 p.m., Blogger thimscool said…

    Hither come I.

    Elegant poem.

  • At 6:45 p.m., Blogger Anna J. Evans said…

    Me too! Lovely images and I felt smiley when I finished.

    Good one Jill,
    Anna J. Evans

  • At 7:12 p.m., Blogger Jill said…

    Susan, no they don't!! Why can they enjoye the simple things in life??

    Lisa, it's only payback!!! For once it is me that is making your day!!

    Gautami, I didn't even realise it had one when I wrote it!!

    Ann, hope you will stop and look at the sky tonite!!

    Rhian, you know that I'm nice!! Seriously, thank!!

    Thimscool, What?? Hither??

    Anna, youppi I put a smile on your face!!

    I didn't even realise that it was a feel good poem when I wrote it!! Now you all making me smile!!Thank to all!!

  • At 11:01 p.m., Blogger Julia Phillips Smith said…

    'Certains s'acharnent/ Some try desperately
    À payer des millions/ To pay millions
    Pour avoir/ To have
    Ce que je vis / What I lived
    En ce moment/ in this very moment'

    My favorite lines! This is where the poem turns into the feel-good poem.

  • At 8:59 p.m., Blogger Joy Renee said…

    ooh, this brings back childhood for me. it's been that long since i've seen a night sky that swarmed with 'diamonds'. my night blindness began in my teens. i can still see the moon. and some of the brightest of the bright stars/planets if city lights are not too overpowering and if i stare at the blackness for ten to fifteen minutes. but i can literally count the stars i'm able to see and i know that is not reflective of reality.

    but oooh, i remember the thrill of laying flat on my back on soft grass and staring up into that swarm of lights. i knew nothing of jewels then. i didn't see them as object that could fall into my hands but rather as places to go. the lit windows of heaven's mansions or the eyes of angels.

    yes i was very small

    thank you for eliciting that mood and memory for me.

  • At 11:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Some try desperately to pay millions...

    I paid $1.75 at the corner store.
    Made in China it was.

    Great imagery Jill - as usual!


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