J'en ai marre
De ce temps qui ne veut pas
Se décider
Qui joue avec nos états d'âmes
Nous confines
Sous nos toîts
Car l'indécision
Est reine
La fraicheur
Sa meilleure compagne
LE soleil joue
À saute-moutons
Avec les nuages
Gris ou blancs
Je veux juste un répit
De cette tristesse
De ce déluge
Pour pouvoir
Juste un peu
Profiter de cet été
I had enough
Of this weather that doesn't want
To decide itself
That plays with our moods
Force us to stay
Under our roofs
Because indecision
Is queen
Is her best companion
De ce temps qui ne veut pas
Se décider
Qui joue avec nos états d'âmes
Nous confines
Sous nos toîts
Car l'indécision
Est reine
La fraicheur
Sa meilleure compagne
LE soleil joue
À saute-moutons
Avec les nuages
Gris ou blancs
Je veux juste un répit
De cette tristesse
De ce déluge
Pour pouvoir
Juste un peu
Profiter de cet été
I had enough
Of this weather that doesn't want
To decide itself
That plays with our moods
Force us to stay
Under our roofs
Because indecision
Is queen
Is her best companion
The sun plays
With the clouds
That are gray or white
I just want a breathing space
From all this sadness
From this downpour
To just be able
Just for a while
So I can take advantage of this summer
At 8:13 p.m.,
hooying said…
Hey, so cool to see your comment up on my blog so soon!
At 8:55 p.m.,
Blog said…
Love your "sun plays leapfrog with the clouds"....Beauty.... You really bring out the grey feelings the greyness brings.... Really nice. :)
At 9:27 p.m.,
Jill said…
Hooying... Thank for visiting!!
Haley...thank... blush blush... I,m proud you can relate to it...
At 10:33 p.m.,
Dewey said…
J'aime bien toute de votre poésie! Je fais aussi de la poésie, mais seulement en anglais. Pourquoi est-ce que vous traduisez quelques poèmes, mais pas les autres? Je suis curieuse!
At 9:44 a.m.,
Jill said…
Dewey!! Je suis impressionnée!! Vous avez un orthographe presque parfait en français!! Why do some of my poem are translated and some not?? One word: lazyness!! I write some out of the blue, mostly always in french, and say to myself that I will transalted after and don't do it!! I something use literated words in my french version, and I do have a hard time finding the right world for it in english!!
And thank you for your comment!!
At 8:12 p.m.,
Dewey said…
That makes sense. Speaking of sometimes not being able to translate something, can I ask you about a slang term I heard? I might be a France-only thing, not Canadian, but it's "gonfler les voiles." I understand it literally (to puff up sails) and I think that as slang it means "to boost confidence" but I'm not sure if it has a negative connotation about being egotistical or not. Do you know this term?
At 10:14 p.m.,
Jill said…
Dewey, we don't use it here(I'm surprise because we have a lot of allusion to the sea in our expressions!)
But it's probabbly it's either boost your confidence, or to be vain/proud( we use an expression to be vain "avoir la tête enfler")
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